FEYReP/UNFPA And WHARC Partnerships, Impacting Communities And Giving Succour

Over the years, the Family Empowerment And Youth Reorientation Path Initiative has embarked on life touching projects to individuals and communities and some of these projects are done in partnerships with international organizations such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the sexual and reproductive health agency of the United NAtions (UN). and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.

Through its partnership with the UNFPA/UNHCR, FEYReP has carried out the following programs:

  • Reached out and donated relief items to internally displaced persons (Cameroonian Refugees).
  • Organized capacity building training for health care workers and volunteers targeted at ensuring improved access to reproductive health services.
  • Activated community and schools based Covid-19 Committees (this was to provide awareness and sensitisation on the pandemic in its peak period and post lock-downs)

Also on partnerships for community impacts, FEYReP in partnership with the Women’s Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC) has embarked on awareness campaigns in several local communities across Akwa Ibom State. These campaigns centered on topics such as:

  • Covid-19,
  • Sexual and Reproductive health
  • Gender-based violence (GBV)